Elevate your digital presence with ASN Digital Marketing's premier paid search services.

Dominate the Search Results with Paid Search Services

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Comprehensive paid search services are a must for businesses in the digital age who want to drive targeted traffic, increase visibility, and maximize conversions. With pay-per-click (PPC) advertising through platforms like Google Ads, Bing Ads, and more, you can put your brand in front of motivated searchers right when they are looking for your products, services, or information.

ASN Digital Marketing’s Paid Search Expertise

However, building and optimizing paid search campaigns takes specialized expertise. The PPC specialists at ASN Digital Marketing have the experience, certifications, and proven frameworks to help you dominate the search results by connecting your business with high-intent audiences at the ideal times.

As Google-certified professionals, ASN Digital Marketing offers comprehensive paid search services tailored to your unique goals:

  • Search Ads Campaign Setup & Management
  • Retargeting Ads
  • Local Services Ads
  • Analytics, Reporting & Optimization

The Power of Paid Search Advertising

Here are some of the key benefits that make paid search an invaluable marketing channel:

  • Gain Immediate Visibility – PPC ads put you in front of searching audiences right when they are looking for businesses like yours, increasing your visibility and exposure extremely quickly.
  • Reach Highly Targeted Audiences – Searchers on platforms like Google and Bing have intent. Paid search lets you connect with these motivated users during the narrow windows when they are actively looking for you.
  • Trackable, Measurable Results – With the in-depth analytics provided by PPC platforms, you can closely monitor engagement, conversions, costs, and ROI and refine targeting based on hard data.
  • Flexible Targeting Options – Paid search allows you to target users by keywords, locations, demographics, time of day, placement on search vs display networks, and more.
  • Predictable Investment – You can control costs by setting daily maximum budgets and only paying for actual clicks/impressions. The investment is measurable and adjustable.
  • Support Sales & Leads – Paid search ads help drive conversions by connecting with purchasers during the purchase journey, whether they are just researching or ready to buy.
  • Brand Building – Well-managed PPC campaigns improve brand visibility, perception and search rankings over time by increasing relevant site traffic.

ASN Digital Marketing’s Strategic Paid Search Approach

With over six years of managing PPC campaigns for brands across industries, ASN Digital Marketing has developed a fine-tuned, systematic process for dominating search results and driving conversions:

  1. Comprehensive Keyword Research – Using advanced tools and proven frameworks, we identify high-potential keywords and negative keywords to maximize campaign relevancy and control costs.
  2. Optimized Campaign Configuration – Ad scheduling, location targeting, language targeting, and other campaign settings are strategically configured for ideal exposure to your audiences.
  3. High-Converting Ad Copy – We create compelling, relevant ad text, design eye-catching ad creatives, and ensure seamless user experience from click to site.
  4. Landing Page Optimization – Landing pages are thoroughly optimized to match ad messaging, provide a frictionless user experience, and drive conversions.
  5. Strategic Bidding & Budgets – Granular bid adjustments, daily/monthly budgets, and bid strategies are implemented based on historical performance data and campaign goals.
  6. Constant Testing & Refinement – We continually A/B test elements like ad copy, placements, landing pages, and keywords to improve performance.
  7. Comprehensive Analytics & Reporting – Detailed analytics and reporting provide insights to refine targeting, creative, budgets, and more to boost ROI.

Why Choose ASN Digital Marketing?

With over six years of experience driving results for brands through Google 𝐩𝐚𝐒𝐝 𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐑 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐒𝐜𝐞𝐬, ASN Digital Marketing offers unique advantages:

  • Google certified experts – Certified in Google search and Google Analytics 4, a key indicator of expertise.
  • Hands-On PPC Experts – You get hands-on support from real paid search specialists, not outsourced freelancers or offshore teams.
  • Custom Strategies – We tailor strategies and recommendations to your specific products, services, audiences, and goals based on in-depth audits and analyses.
  • Methodical Management – Our structured optimization process improves campaign performance month over month.
  • Granular Reporting – Our monthly reports provide granular details on budgets, performance trends, and recommendations to inform future strategies.
  • Complete Transparency – We share all data, insights, and recommendations with you to ensure strategies align with your goals.

Paid Search Case Study

The client offers intuitive cloud-based solutions to help HR teams manage employee records, onboarding, payroll, benefits, and more. As a fast-growing SMB, the client wanted to amplify their digital marketing to drive more SaaS subscriptions.

Starting from scratch, ASN Digital Marketing implemented an integrated paid search strategy to identify high-value keywords based on buyer persona research. After thorough A/B testing and optimization, the campaigns resulted in:

  • 27% increase in conversions within 6 months
  • 35% lower cost per conversion
  • 51% increase in monthly site traffic
  • Expanded reach into new customer segments

“Since collaborating with ASN Digital Marketing, our conversions have improved significantly. Their team optimized our campaigns, lowered our cost per conversion by 35%, and increased conversions by over 25%. We’re getting more out of our ad spend.” – Lenora, Director of Marketing, CLP

Connect with ASN Digital Marketing

To learn more about our paid search services or discuss goals for your business, contact ASN Digital Marketing today.

Call/WhatsApp us at (307) 217-6808 or email info@asndigitalmarketing.com. Let’s talk about the right plan to maximize your paid search ROI.

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