social media management for Real Estate

Affordable social media management for real estate by Meta Certified professionals. 

Why Hire a Meta Certified Social Media Marketing Expert?

When selecting a social media manager for your real estate business, consider the following benefits:

  • passionate, dedicated team focused solely on delivering tangible results for agents and brokers.
  • Customized packages tailored to your brand’s unique objectives, markets, and budget.
  • An expert account manager who takes the time to understand your business, voice, ideal clients, and goals.
  • Proven expertise from Meta Blueprint certified professionals current on the latest practices.
  • Increased brand visibility, connections, leads, and sales by tapping into the power of social media.

Why Social Media Management is Essential for Real Estate Agents

Strategic social media management allows real estate agents to achieve the following objectives:

  • Expand reach and connect with more targeted home buyers – Optimized profiles and strategic posting enable agents to extend their audience and get their branding and listings in front of more potential clients.
  • Establish a unique and memorable brand identity – By consistently sharing lifestyle, neighborhood, and property content with a distinct tone and style, agents can develop a recognizable personal or brokerage brand.
  • Position themselves as local market experts – Informative and valuable social content shows agents have their finger on the pulse of the local real estate landscape.
  • Generate more leads and referrals – Engaging social followers through valuable content converts them into leads and referrals over time through lead gen ads and calls-to-action.
  • Promote new listings to matched audiences – Showcasing new properties on social platforms builds visibility and markets current inventory to ideal demographics.
  • Highlight successfully sold listings – Sold signs, stats, and testimonials reinforce agents’ proven ability to successfully close deals.
  • Share real-time market insights and news – Commentary on trends, mortgage rates, and local happenings demonstrates timely expertise.
  • Conduct targeted ad campaigns – Paid tools like boosted posts, lead gen ads, and geo filters enable outreach to precise demographics.
  • Engage followers – Responding to comments and questions quickly fosters connections and relationships.


The core objective remains driving business growth and sales through social platforms. When used strategically, social media allows real estate professionals to cost-effectively build their brands, connect with clients, and boost their careers.


Benefits of a Specialized Real Estate Social Media Manager

A seasoned real estate social media manager becomes an invaluable partner by providing:

  • Extensive expertise in real estate-specific marketing strategies and tactics.
  • Content creation including relevant social posts, listings, Reels, Stories, and videos tailored to resonate with targeted demographics.
  • Profile optimization to maximize reach, engagement, and click-through rates.
  • Ad campaign management to boost visibility and generate leads through paid tools.
  • Performance tracking to monitor and optimize efforts based on actionable analytics.
  • Active community management by responding to all comments, questions, and messages promptly.
  • Competitor analysis to analyze what top agents in the area are doing digitally.
  • Consistent posting and engagement across platforms so agents can focus on core duties.
  • Reporting to provide monthly insights and results.


Having an expert social media manager on board allows agents to focus on high-value activities while ensuring their digital presence thrives. It alleviates the workload and amplifies results.


Measuring Real Estate Social Media Marketing Performance

To optimize social media efforts, realtors must actively monitor performance and analyze key metrics.

Important metrics to track include:

  • Reach/Impressions – Total number of users who viewed content
  • Engagement Rate – Likes, comments, shares, clicks, etc. divided by reach
  • Link Clicks – Clicks on links within posts
  • Leads/Conversions – User actions like email signups, calls, form fills
  • Follower Growth – Increasing followers/subscribers shows expanding brand awareness
  • Sentiment – Positive, negative, or neutral mentions and conversations
  • Video Views – Especially important given the video’s high performance


Regularly monitoring the above metrics provides actionable data to refine strategies and maximize ROI. Advanced tools like Sprout Social also allow deeper analysis of engagements, demographics, peak posting times, and more.

Experienced social media managers will provide comprehensive analytics reporting each month to evaluate performance and strategize improvements.


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