real estate social media ideas to boost engagement

Creative Real Estate Social Media Content Ideas to Boost Engagement

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An effective social media presence is crucial for real estate marketing success. 92% of real estate agents use social media to market their listings and grow their business. Merely maintaining social media accounts does not guarantee results – you need to frequently post creative, engaging content to build your audience and generate leads.

According to a report by the National Association of Realtors, 79% of home buyers use social media during their home search. So it’s crucial for real estate agents to have a strong social media presence.

In this blog post, we will share some creative real estate social media content ideas you can use to boost engagement on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, etc.

Video Content

Video is an extremely hot trend in social media right now. Cisco estimates that videos will make up the majority of all consumer internet traffic. Videos grab attention quickly and help showcase listings in an interactive way. Here are some video content ideas for real estate agents:

Property Video Tours

Create mini video tours to give a sneak peek of your new listings. Showcase the exterior, key rooms, and amenities in an interesting way. Don’t just record a boring walkthrough, add music, transitions, and text, and get creative with angles and shots. Apps like InVideo make it easy to create great real estate videos.

Facebook/Instagram Live

Go live on Facebook or Instagram to stream an open house event, a home tour, or a Q&A session. This gives people an insider’s look at the property and lets them engage with you in real-time via comments and questions.

Neighborhood or City Highlight Videos

Create short videos showcasing popular restaurants, parks, schools, and things to do around your listed properties. This gives buyers a better sense of the neighborhood’s lifestyle.

Timelapse Videos

Use time-lapse photography to showcase the construction progress of a home you are building for clients. Speeding up the timeline makes for an interesting watch.

Behind the Scenes

Give viewers a peek into your day-to-day by posting vlogs and behind-the-scenes videos. Show them how you prep for open houses, interact with clients, run your business, etc. Giving followers a behind-the-scenes look helps foster a genuine connection and relationship with your audience.

Interactive Content

Interactive content encourages social media users to not just consume information but actively engage with your posts. This leads to better visibility and reach on social platforms. Some ideas:

Facebook Polls

Run interesting polls on Facebook to get your followers involved. Ask about their home buying preferences, upcoming neighborhood additions they want to see, what they dislike about home tours, etc. Their responses give you valuable insights.

Instagram Quizzes

Engage your Instagram audience by running real estate quizzes and polls using interactive stickers and questions in Stories. Ask them questions like “What type of home layout suits you best?” and give A/B type answer options.

AR Filters

Leverage Spark AR to create fun augmented reality filters with your branding. Users can use these filters on Instagram and Facebook Stories. It grabs attention and gives your account a cool, techy vibe.

Pinterest Rich Pins

Upgrade your Pinterest posts with Rich Pins like polls, product details, price tags, etc. These add more context and interactivity vs. regular static pins.

Informative Content

Posting valuable, educational content establishes you as an expert and thought leader. Here are ideas for informational content that engages:

Home Buying Guides

Create guides that simplify the home buying process and answer common buyer queries like “10 Questions Every First-Time Homebuyer Should Ask”, “6 Reasons To Hire a Buyer’s Agent” etc. Include relevant photos, videos, and visuals to make it more interesting for social media.

Interior Design Trends

Curate photo galleries or boards showcasing the latest interior design and home decor trends. Show how buyers can recreate the look in their own home.

DIY Tutorials

Post short DIY home improvement tutorials like simple landscaping ideas, kitchen backsplash how-to, wall paint techniques, etc. These grab attention and position you as a property expert.

Home Finance Tips

Share tips and advice on home loans, credit scores, down payments, insurance, etc. Infographics and stock images help make the information more digestible.

Local Community Updates

Keep your followers updated on new local amenities, upcoming infrastructural developments, school and hospital expansions, changes in property tax policies, etc. Hyperlocal updates like these help attract homebuyers relocating to the area.

Creative Content Formats

Experiment with fun and unique content formats to stand out in the social media noise. Some creative styles to try:


Use lists and numbered points to present information like “10 Best School Districts To Buy a Home In”, “7 Hidden Costs of Homeownership” etc. Lists are scannable and easy to digest.


Share inspirational or funny quotes on vibrant backgrounds related to home, family, neighborhoods, etc. Quotes make great shareable social content.

Comparison Posts

Compare two or more listings or neighborhoods side-by-side. Showcase their specs, amenities, pricing etc. This helps buyers evaluate options.


Curate sets of themed photos showcasing ideas for home design, outdoor landscaping, open house staging, front porch decor, and more. Lookbooks make great content for Instagram and Pinterest.


Create funny real estate memes using trending formats and popular culture references your audience can relate to. Memes spread quickly when executed right.

Interactive Graphics

Design graphics embedded with clickable tabs, buttons, and links for more detailed information. These add interactivity to static images.

The key is to experiment with different content formats and see what resonates most with your audience. Analyze social media metrics to identify winning themes and keep refining your content strategy.

Optimizing Social Content for Maximum Reach

When brainstorming content ideas, also consider these best practices to maximize their visibility and exposure on social platforms:

  • Optimize Hashtags: Include a mix of branded and niche hashtags so your content shows up in more feeds. Tools like RiteTag help identify trending real estate hashtags.
  • @Mention Relevant Accounts: Strategically @mention local businesses, partners, and influencers to grab their attention and get on their radar.
  • Leverage UTM Parameters: Append UTMs like ?utm_source=socialmedia&utm_medium=instagram_bio to links so you can track social traffic to your site.
  • Post at Optimal Times: Upload when your audience is most active on each platform. Use social media scheduling tools to plan in advance.
  • Pay To Promote: Allocate some budget to boost Facebook posts, promote Instagram content, and run Twitter ads for higher reach.
  • Reuse Content Across Platforms: Repurpose top-performing content for different platforms to maximize exposure.
  • Analyze and Refine: Use social listening and analytics to identify your best-resonating themes and formats to create more of that content.

Final Tips

  • Show your personality in your content – give people a sense of your real estate brand’s vision and passion.
  • Focus on value-add, not self-promotion. Answer buyer questions and concerns with helpful content.
  • Shoot content on your phone for an authentic vibe. You don’t need fancy equipment to make great social content.
  • Get inspired by checking competitors’ social media accounts but create unique content of your own. Don’t copy!

Consistently posting creative, useful social content tailored to your target buyers will help you stand out from the competition and build lasting engagement. Measure what works and keep evolving your content strategy. With a little creativity and effort, your social presence will be a valuable asset in driving new business.

For real estate agents short on time, it can also be worthwhile to invest in social media management services. Professional social media managers specialized in real estate can handle content creation, community growth, paid campaigns, analytics, and reporting – allowing you to focus on core real estate activities while still building your brand on social media. With the right social media management for real estate, your online presence will become a well-oiled lead generation machine even with minimal time investment.

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