Best practices for international seo

Best Practices for International SEO to Tap Global Markets

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The internet provides businesses today with an unprecedented opportunity to expand their reach and access customers across the globe. With over 5.19 billion internet users worldwide, the potential audience for your products or services likely extends far beyond your home country.

Implementing an effective international SEO strategy allows you to get your website and content in front of interested audiences globally. By optimizing and localizing your online presence for different countries and languages, you can significantly expand your reach and taps into new markets.

However, international SEO requires much more strategic planning and effort compared to targeting only domestic users. What works for ranking in your home country often requires adapting to connect with international searchers.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore international SEO best practices to help your business succeed globally, including:

  • Identifying International SEO Opportunities
  • Choosing the Right URL Structure
  • Optimizing for Local Languages
  • Creating Locally Relevant Content
  • Earning Local Links & Signals
  • Tracking Performance Across Markets

Follow these tips and you can develop an effective approach to international SEO that drives qualified traffic and conversions from around the world.

Identifying International SEO Opportunities

Expanding your online presence globally through international SEO delivers many potential benefits, but also requires significant investment. You need to research and validate that pursuing customers in specific foreign markets is likely to provide strong ROI compared to other business growth strategies.

The first step is identifying countries and languages where opportunities exist for your website based on your products, services, and existing customer base.

Check Your Existing International Traffic

Your Google Analytics account provides visibility into your current website users by location. Check the geographic breakdown under Audience > Geo to see which countries currently send traffic to your site.

Seeing interest from a particular country already indicates opportunities likely exist to further optimize for that market. You can also view local traffic levels for specific site pages and content when filtering Analytics reports.

Analyze Competitor Global Presence

Research how any competitors or similar businesses are approaching international SEO. Look for whether they have foreign language sites, country-specific domains, and content tailored for different regions.

This provides clues for locations and languages to consider targeting. You can use tools like SEMrush to uncover competitors’ international SEO strategies.

Identify Your Ideal Foreign Customer Base

Determine the demographic profile of your ideal international customers – their age, gender, interests, income level, etc. Think about who beyond your domestic audience matches well with your products or services.

Defining your target international personas helps shape content and messaging that appeals directly to their preferences as you optimize for different regions.

Evaluate International Paid Traffic Potential

Set up paid search and social ad campaigns targeted to various countries and languages you’re considering for international SEO. The results reveal actual user demand and conversion potential.

Heavy international paid traffic indicates the good opportunity for also gaining unpaid organic search interest. Just be sure to do keyword research tailored for each country.

Research Keyword Potential in Target Countries

Use keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner and SEMrush to uncover search volume and competitiveness for relevant terms in your industry across various countries.

Identifying promising untapped keywords helps prioritize which countries offer the greatest potential. Moz’s Keyword Explorer provides this data as well.

By considering these key factors, you can determine which new countries and languages offer the biggest opportunities for expanding your website’s reach. Assign each potential target market a priority level so you can focus resources on the highest potential locales.

Choosing the Right URL Structure

To implement international SEO effectively, you need to set up your website URLs in a structure optimized for the locations and languages you want to target. There are a number of options to consider:

Country Code Top-Level Domains (ccTLDs)

Using a ccTLD like .mx for Mexico or .jp for Japan strongly signals to search engines that your website focuses on a particular country. This might help you rank for local searches.

The downside is each ccTLD domain requires separate site architecture, optimization and content. And it starts with little search engine authority compared to your main domain.


You can create international site versions on specific regional or language subdomains like or

Subdomains act independently for SEO purposes but may retain some authority from your main domain. However, subdomains still require separate optimization.


Adding country or language subdirectories (folders) to your main domain – like or – lets you isolate regional sites while retaining authority.

But subdirectories are technically part of your main site for search engines, so you need to be careful about targeting and optimization.

Top Level Domains + Parameters

Appending URL parameters to denote country or language – such as – is easy to implement but provides minimal SEO benefit. Search engines give little weight to parameters.

There’s no one “right” structure. Consider your technical capabilities, resources and the level of localization needed to determine the optimal fit.

Optimizing for Local Languages

Adapting your website for international visitors goes far beyond simple translation. To create positive local user experiences that drive conversions, follow these key language optimization steps:

Complete Website Translation

Machine translation fails to capture the nuances and cultural context of language. Always use accurate human translation for all site text – including product descriptions, categories, tags, and image alt text.

Work with native-speaking local translators to ensure correct regional dialect and terminology. Don’t mix translation styles.

Optimization for Local Search Intent

Carefully research how target users search in their local language to uncover the best keywords to focus on. Language and terminology varies between regions, so it’s important to research the exact keywords and phrases used in each local market when optimizing content.

Check local search trends to identify seasonal or current event-related keywords that align with your business. Keep language search habits top of mind as you optimize pages.

Include Language & Region Tags

Add hreflang tags to specify alternate versions of pages available for other languages and regions. This helps search engines display the most relevant results.

Also indicate language and country via HTML tags like:<html lang=”es”> for Spanish pages.

Localize Formats, Prices & Examples

Display dates, times, and telephone numbers in local formats. Convert currencies based on region. Ensure all examples, events, statistics, etc. mentioned reflect your audience.

Attention to these details reassures international visitors your site is made for them.

Avoid Restricting Language

Let users choose their preferred language; don’t force it based on location. Visitors often want to view sites in other languages, like expats abroad. Give an obvious language toggle option.

With comprehensive language adaptation, you demonstrate respect while optimizing for local search behavior and intent.

Creating Locally Relevant Content

Simply translating existing content often fails to engage international audiences. You need to create information tailored specifically to the needs, interests and context of each local target market.

Align Topics to Local Search Intent

Go beyond direct translations and produce country-specific content aligned around languages and keywords used in each region you’re targeting.

Address both globally universal and locally particular issues related to your industry to satisfy local search intent. Blend global and local themes within content.

Adjust Messaging and Tone for Cultures

Certain words, phrases, or styles that resonate in your home country may not appeal or even translate well to other cultures. Adapt terminology and tone accordingly.

Work with local team members or freelancers to capture each region’s communication style preferences authentically in writing.

Feature Local Examples and Data

Support global assertions with local statistics and facts so international users immediately see relevance. Quote local figures and highlight success stories from their country.

Curate and cite information sources from within each country to build trust. Lists and explains region-specific traditions, events, regulations, etc.

Get Local Input on Content

Have team members or contractors from each country review content before publishing to identify any messaging that might be ineffective or even offensive in local context.

Ask for input about topics and questions popular in their region that your content could address.

By tailoring content for each market, you show international visitors their needs are important to you. This earns trust, authority, and conversions.

Earning Local Links & Signals

Gaining high-quality backlinks from country-specific sites is tremendously impactful for international SEO. It signals your relevance in that locale.

Build Localized Links

Reaching out to local sites for backlinks or mentions taps into authoritative trust and metrics for that country, fueling higher local rankings.

Earn “geo-specific links” from sites using ccTLDs like .de (Germany) or .cn (China) to build country-focused SEO strength.

Address Local Directories

Business directories frequently operate locally. Create properly translated and optimized business listings on prominent directories for each country.

Keep information consistent but include locally popular communication channels like WhatsApp numbers or WeChat handles for China.

Participate Locally in Social Media

Engage local audiences by maintaining active regional social media accounts in the native language. Share user-generated content from local followers.

Building social media links and followers from local profiles helps demonstrate your brand’s local integration and authority.

Run Local PPC Campaigns

Well-optimized paid search and shopping ads that drive traffic can also influence organic rankings in that country over time. Bid on locally popular search keywords.

Location-targeted social media and display network ads also connect you with local audiences for SEO benefits.

Gaining trust and links “in-region” is tremendously beneficial for international domains trying to rank locally.

Tracking Performance Across Markets

Careful tracking and analysis of metrics for each country you target provides the data you need to refine strategies and maximize ROI.

Filter Analytics for Local Insights

View website analytics filtered by country and language to see international visitor behavior. Identify which content drives the best engagement and conversions locally.

Compare metrics across countries to discover optimization opportunities. Set up goals, custom reports, and segments for local data.

Monitor Rankings in Multiple Regions

Check rankings with tools like Moz and SEMrush for your top keywords both in your original country and new target markets.

See how you compare to competitors in each locale and which pages gain the most local traction.

Continually Tweak Based on Results

Let measured performance guide your ongoing international SEO efforts. Double down on regions and languages delivering results and rethink those showing high investment for minimal return.

Stay nimble and adjust your initiatives to capitalize on what works.

With precise local analytics, you gain crucial insights to refine your global strategy and allocate resources efficiently between markets for the best ROI.


By following these international SEO best practices, your business can expand its website visibility and brand awareness around the world. Localizing your online presence is key to tapping into new markets successfully.

However, branching out globally with your website takes significant dedication. Don’t spread efforts too thin across too many countries and languages initially. Focus on a few key high-potential targets first.

Over time, you can scale up and refine your international SEO approach for a broader reach. With careful execution, going global can take your business success to the next level.

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